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Adult Rocky Road

A chew, a crunch, a taste of a coffee lovers dream.



300g Dark Chocolate

100g Milk Chocolate

2tbsp Golden Syrup

1 pack Happy Mallows Coffee Mallows

1 pack Salted Pretzels

1 pack Morello Cherries

200g Amaretti Biscuits

50g Pistachios


1. Line an 8inx8in tin with grease-proof paper

2. Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of simmering water – the bottom of the bowl must not touch the water.

3. Whilst the chocolate is melting, chop the mallows into smaller pieces and add them to a large mixing bowl with the pretzels, cherries, amaretti biscuits and pistachios.

4. One melted, add the golden syrup to the chocolate and pour the mix over the dry ingredients.

5. Transfer the Rocky Road mix into the lined tin and set in the fridge to set.

6. Once set, using a hot knife, cut into slices… The bigger the better!

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